Sapan Inka Retreat Center

Sacred Valley, Cusco, Perú


If you are looking for a deep and transformative ayahuasca experience or a shamanic healing experience, maybe you can be part of one of our Ayahuasca Retreats. In our Retreat Center there is a real integration between Amazon wisdom and Psychospiritual Practice. Our commitment is to help and guide you in a journey to the spiritual dimension, and you will be able to experience mental clarity, emotional balance and inner growth.

These are our retreats: Sapan Inka Ayahuasca Retreats

We are Psychotherapists and we are also shamans and ayahuasca guides. We’ve been training directly with Shipibo healers since more than 20 years, we are as part of the Shipibo family. We are Peruvians and we have a sincere and true commitment to protect our traditions and cultural heritage. The ayahuasca used at Sapan Inka grows in Shipibo lands and the Ayahuasca medicine is prepared by Shipibo healers.

We organize our Ayahuasca Retreats in our house at home in the Sacred Valley of the Incas in Cusco, Peru. You can feel safe and as a part of our family when you participate in a retreat. In our retreats you will participate in ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies. We use only ancestral medicinal plants and no other substances.

We include in our Retreats the use of Pandora Star Light, this device emits flashing beams of light focused on the retina, stimulating different regions of the brain. People who are exposed to light with their eyelids closed may experience images of kaleidoscopic patterns, of mandalic and psychedelic type, which may allow deep introspection, similar to a state of deep meditation. To participate in this session with the Light helps the body to produce its own DMT by simulation of the pineal gland. So, a session with the Light helps to be more prepared for the Ayahuasca experience and the journey to the psychic reality.

To participate in an Ayahuasca Retreat is a possibility to explore your spiritual dimension, reconnect with the healing power of you own body and spirit, and reconnect with higher Self.

If you are interested to know more about these Ayahuasca Retreats, you can visit our website:

What’s an Ayahuasca Retreat?

Available Ayahuasca Retreats

We organize a 6 days Ayahuasca & San Pedro Retreat including a visit to Machu Picchu. In this retreat you will participate in 2 ayahuasca ceremonies and in 1 San Pedro ceremony. Close to the end of the retreat, you will visit the Sacred Incan Temple Machu Picchu. SEE HERE:

6 days Machu Picchu Retreat

We also organize a 5 days Ayahuasca & San Pedro Retreat which includes and offering to Mother Earth, a session with Pandora Star Light, and and a Healing Sound session. This retreat includes: transportation from Cusco to our house and way back, all meals during the retreat days, and Integration Psychospiritual therapies. SEE HERE:

5 days Ayahuasca & San Pedro Retreat

There is also a 5 days Ayahuasca Retreat, it includes 3 ayahuasca ceremonies. All our retreats are in our house which is located in the Sacred Valley in Urubamba, Cusco. In this retreat you will participate in a session with  Pandora Light. Next day after every ceremony there is an integration therapy in order to talk about the contents of your experience to know how to understand, assimilate and integrate this experience into your daily life. This Integration Therapy is a very important part of this process, because we will work on the symbolic meaning of your experience and together we will discover sense and meaning.  SEE HERE:

5 days Ayahuasca Retreat

Reviews (133)

4.9 out of 5
Overall 4.9
    July 7, 2022 at 7:52 pm

    My very first day at Sapan Inka, Erik said “to think of your time here as the ending of one chapter in your life and the beginning of a new one”. Six months later this remains to be true. My time at Sapan Inka helped me to shed layers of doubt that I have collected over the years and to feel gratitude. In my experience I cannot explain what it is I saw, but what I felt was the most important. Erik helped me interpret my visions with our evening talks that I am so grateful for and still thinking of. Nilda is such a kind and respectful Shamen as well. She cooks the food and gives you the advice you need for your days of fasting. At the end of my trip we spoke for awhile and this conversation is so precious to me.

    I really love Sapan Inka. It is a clean and cozy place with two professional Shamans that will help you feel good during your stay and give you the best advice. If mother Ayuaska ever calls my name again I couldn’t imagine going to another place. What makes Erik and Nilda stand out is that they truly care about your individual experience. Yes there is a business component to staying at their place and them taking care of you, but you can really feel that they are there for you.
    Thank you

  • Harold Boone
    Harold Boone
    April 22, 2022 at 3:12 pm

    I recommend Sapan Inka Retreat Center to anyone looking for a deep, rich, spiritual experience. In January, I participated in a retreat, and I plan to return sometime in July. They took care of everything and us. Doing ayahuasca in the Sacred Valley of Cusco, you can feel the pulsating energy from the environment. I am so thankful to Erik and Nelda for dedicating their lives to making this opportunity available to people who want to seek spiritual enrichment. I will cherish the experience for the rest of my life.

    April 21, 2022 at 3:17 pm

    I have recommended Sapan Inka to several people since my experience with Erik and Nilda.

    There are several reviews that already attest to the beautiful grounds, peaceful atmosphere, wonderful cooking and knowledgeable hosts that hold the space for each session.

    I would like to detail a personal story to attest to the immense amount of care and safety that Erik and Nilda provide each guest –

    My ayahuasca retreat was complicated by the fact that after my second session, I developed a slipped disk in my lower lumbar and was unable to stand or even turn to my side for several days due to pressure on my sciatic nerve. Needless to say I was not only physically injured, but also emotionally demoralized, and agitated — unsure how I was going to pee, let alone manage traveling back to the US from the Sacred Valley in a few days with a 50lb. bag.

    First, Erik and Nilda assured me that they would take care of me physically and emotionally — they called a chiropractor friend to help relax the muscles around my back, Nilda brought delicious food to my bedside and helped me to the bathroom when needed, and they allowed me to stay another day free of charge until my back healed to the point that I could travel. They also arranged for a driver to help me through COVID testing and through the airport with a wheelchair. I could not have asked for more attentive care in a private hospital than what I received at Sapan Inka. At one point my walking stick fell to the ground in the middle of the night – Nilda heard it from the other room and came in to have it upright in case I needed to go to the bathroom. She is particularly adept and intuitive towards care – we did not speak the same language, but she was instantly able to understand where and how I needed physical support while convalescing.

    On an emotional and spiritual level, Erik encouraged me to evaluate the meaning of this old injury and its reemergence in my life, 8 years later, at this particular point. I reflected deeply on my visions during the ceremonies as well as the somatic meaning of a lumbar wound, and came to many urgent conclusions, that have since proven to be strong directives in my life. Evaluating the wound in this way also brought comfort and context to an otherwise anxiety ridden travel misfortune, and taught me a great lesson in listening deeply to the signals of my body.

    I’m infinitely grateful for the true care and selfless generosity that Erik and Nilda provided for me when I was at my lowest – and can attest, that those who trust them with their most vulnerable states are in responsible, knowledgeable and loving hands.

    April 19, 2022 at 11:58 pm

    I had a very special experience at the Sapan inka retreat. I went for the 6-day retreat that included the day at Machu Picchu. Erik and Nilda have a beautiful and clean home surrounded by breathtaking mountains.

    The ayahuasca experience was very deep and meaningful. Erik and Nilda guided us through the ceremony in way where we felt cared for and safe. The food was delicious and healthy.

    The final day at Machu Picchu was beyond words. This whole beautiful week crescendoed into this ancient and beautiful experience.

    When I finally arrived back in New York, I felt refreshed physically, emotionally and spiritually. I look forward to returning to Sapan Inka (and Peru in general) and bringing my friends.

  • KendallDill
    April 18, 2022 at 1:34 pm

    I was referred to Sapan Inka via a dear friend of mine and in all honesty it took me a few years to come to a place of “readiness”. I have struggled with depression, anxiety and suffering from childhood trauma for most of my life. I have been in therapy since I was sixteen years old, half of my lifetime thus far, and had struggled to come to terms with life experiences and past pains. It wasn’t until last year that I came to a place of acceptance and willingness to participate in plant medicine as a chance for healing and growth. Making the choice to venture into ancient plant medicine, and with the support and guidance of Erik and Nilda was one of the best decisions and gifts I have ever given to myself.

    Before arriving to Peru I was able to speak with Erik via zoom and share my feelings and fears. He was understanding, empathetic and receptive and offered some tools for preparation of the ceremony a month out. One of the main reasons, besides my friends glowing recommendation is that the retreat is small and intimate. It’s 6 people per retreat versus some of the others which have larger groups [up to 25]. For my first time, I felt more comfortable being in a more intimate setting where I could feel supported and seen throughout this process.

    Upon arriving in Peru, they arranged for a taxi from our hotel in Cusco to their home. I felt very safe, supported [energetically, spiritually and emotionally] throughout the entire experience from ceremonies to the integration sessions the following days. The work that they offer anyone who visits is deep, personal and their awareness of that is felt through the 1:1 integration sessions, the rooms [which are comfortable with warm showers], the food prepared [Nilda makes such nourishing and delicious meals] and the place itself. There’s so much room to move around in the garden, in the living room, it’s very spacious and they make you feel at home.

    I will be going back again in July of this year, a testament to how beneficial this place has been for me in regard to healing and self mastery work with plant medicine. I feel safe and comfortable doing so at Sapan Inka, I feel trust with both Erik and Nilda, I feel the respect they have for the work they do which [again] shows in the home they offer, the food they feed you with the support/care given post ceremonies.

    I will always be so grateful for their knowledge, experience and love.

  • Momo
    April 16, 2022 at 7:22 pm

    It is rather difficult to capture in words the depth and breadth of the role Eric and Nilda played in our ayahuasca experience. We truly could not imagine having this experience anywhere else or with any one else. We feel so grateful that Eric and Nilda were our spiritual guides and Shamans throughout this life changing experience.

    They are enlightened souls and it was a pleasure to share their home and their presence with them. Eric’s understanding of the human consciousness makes him a really well rounded shaman- the integration conversations with him after the ceremonies were just as eye opening as the experience itself and helped integrate the lessons from Mother Ayahuasca and San Pedro into this reality.

    Nilda’s food was just as good for our soul as sitting quietly in their garden sanctuary. The walk to the beautiful mountains near their house is a memory we will carry with us forever as well the beautiful sound healing ceremony towards the end of our stay.

    If you are ready for these medicinal plants to truly expand your consciousness in the safest, most loving setting imagine able, please look no further than Sapan Inka. We loved that the groups were really small- only 5 people which made it a really intimate experience.

    Some day, if the plants ever call us again, we can’t imagine going anywhere but here.

    Four months later, the plants continue to speak to us back home in our everyday life and we couldn’t be more grateful for the lessons. Thank you Eric and Nilda!

  • snb
    April 15, 2022 at 3:04 pm

    I am so grateful to have found Erik & Nilda and to have had the opportunity to experience such a powerful life changing retreat with the two of them facilitating. The property is beautiful, and coupled with the warmth radiating from the hosts made for a very comfortable journey.

    The small group (6 people total while I was there), though fully prepared meals, peaceful grounds, nearby hiking, incredible private sound journey, powerful ceremonies, well organized trip to Machu Picchu…all highlights of this invaluable experience.

    If ayahuasca is calling you and you’re looking for an affirmation, let this be it. My life has changed tremendously and in ways that are hard to fathom. The medicine is still working & I am still tapping into everything I took away from my time in Peru. I can sincerely and wholeheartedly recommend Erik & Nilda to guide you through your ceremony.

  • Orlando
    April 15, 2022 at 10:12 am

    I received the inspiration to go and have this experience, after seeing on TV how Ayahuasca has worked since ancient times in the human being; then after researching all the online sponsored retreats I came to Sapan Inka for a wonderfully powerful, healing and transformative retreat. Sapan Inka inspired confidence and I confirmed with the help given by Erik, Nilda and La Negra (the Dog) an important member of the house in her beautiful, cozy and spacious place.
    My experience was so important and revealing that I am going to repeat it this coming May 2022…

  • y_soroush
    May 25, 2021 at 2:54 pm

    Everything was PERFECT! Nilda and Eric are amazing people. Very kind, caring, and loving. Their house is beautiful and very peaceful. We really enjoyed staying with them for a week in 2020. Highly recommend them. Thank you both for everything 🙂

  • minq1979
    May 20, 2021 at 6:55 pm

    There is not enough space to express the amount of gratitude I have for my experiences at Sapan Inka with Erik and Nilda, they are so welcoming and create not just a safe environment but a loving one as well and I am eternally grateful. I have experienced 3 retreats (2 six day retreats) with them, my last was Dec of 2020 and all have been life changing. And I will be back in another 2 years!

    I researched ayahuasca for years before I got the guts to travel alone, as a young black woman to a country where I do not speak the language in search of an experience that could heal and bring clarity to my life.

    I traveled to Peru on a group tour in 2011 and didn’t tell my tour guide I was leaving for one night to participate in a ritual until the car Erik and Nilda arranged to pick me up arrived and my tour guide was furious! He pleaded with me not to go, warned me about all the various things that could happen but no alarm bells within me went off so I left. When I arrived at the retreat in the dead of night Erik came to greet us. The driver handed his phone to Erik and then Erik handed the phone to me, my tour guide was on the other end super excited for me and told me I was blessed to have found them, to enjoy my time and take it all in.

    The retreat house is beautiful, I had my own room and bathroom. The small groups of 4-6 give a great balance of time alone to digest and reflect on your experience and also creates an intimate familial environment amongst the participants where each time I was there the group dynamic forms fast and we’ve instinctually looked out for another. My last trip 3 of us went exploring the neighborhood amongst the friendly locals ended up at the Urubamba river.

    All the meals are aesthetically pleasing and delicious traditional foods prepared with love and care by Nilda. Since my last trip in Dec 2020 I have continued to enjoy the benefits of eating a plant based diet inspired by Nilda’s cooking.

    The arrangements to Macchu Picchu are seamless and each time has been an amazing experience.

    They have added new features to the retreat since my second visit in 2016, they had a very talented musician do an amazing healing sound session, he had like 20+ instruments. There was also a meditation session with a device that induces DMT where I experienced amazing visualizations with my eyes closed!

    I would encourage anyone looking to experience ayahuasca to do so with Sapan Inka.

    Everyone’s ritual experiences are different and it can get really hairy at times, you want to be in a safe environment where you feel supported. And in my experience be blessed to meet strangers that become friends, eat great good and also have a good time!

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