

Dreamglade is a beautiful, lake-side Shamanic healing center in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon rainforest, just one hour’s drive from Iquitos. We offer safe, supportive Ayahuasca ceremonies and plant dietas under the guidance of our resident Shipibo curanderos, Raul Buanapico and Lidia Huayta, as well as free yoga classes and a natural sauna.

Come to DreamGlade for as long as you like, whether for just a week or even for a month or two…

We charge an ‘all inclusive’ and very reasonable daily rate for your stay which includes….

* Free, comfortable 4×4 transportation to and from the healing center
* Ayahuasca ceremonies 3 times per week with a maximum of 9-10 guests per ceremony
* Plant/flower baths
* Individual healing sessions with our shamanic healers
* Natural Sauna/Sweatlodge (2 -3 times per week)
* All meals
* Comfortable, lake-side, accommodation and rest areas
* Modern bathrooms and showers
* Free Yoga classes (2 – 3 times a week)
* Spanish/English translations
* Free laundry service
* Lake for swimming and jungle walks
* Extensive library on-site
* Complimentary ‘Mapachos’ (natural jungle tobacco)
* Counseling to better help you understand the process you are going through

*Traditional ‘master-plant dietas’ under the supervision of our resident Shipibo Curanderos and also traditional ‘Kambo’ (frog poison) treatments (there is a small additional charge for either of these*)

Reviews (95)

4.9 out of 5
Overall 4.9
  • FriendlyLion
    March 24, 2020 at 10:05 pm

    I had wanted to work with Stacey, Drew and the Dreamglade team since I first heard about them back in 2017. They are a very popular centre, and often booked up many months before hand, and that’s because they do awesome work and are truly exceptional people. Stace and his team have created a world class centre, which is (unquestionably) one of the best in Peru, if not the world.

    Ceremony days are great. Often they will start with a slow morning, where people are free to do what they’d like but also encouraged to journal, set their intentions and meditate. Jess holds a wonderful, unlocking yoga practice that is welcome for anyone to join, but no pressure at all to do it if you don’t want to. Later in the afternoon the team will fire up the sauna. This was great for flushing out toxins, using the flower bath and truly relaxing before a ceremony. Ceremony starts at night-time and is often completed by 12-1am.

    Their ceremonies are powerful, authentic and extremely healing. The two Curanderos, Raoul an Lidia have over 80+ years of experience working with the medicine between them. It is the absolute safest and most protected I have ever felt in an ayahuasca ceremony.

    Drew, who oversees and runs the centre when Stace is away, is an outstanding human being. He’s one of the funniest, kindest and most heart centered people I have ever met. I felt I could talk to him about absolutely anything that was coming up for me and he had wise, sentient advice that really helped me. He was a true gift to my process. Thank you drew!

    I did the Coca ceremonies with Dhyana both before and after the retreat, with the additional ‘session on the table’. They were fantastic and really helped with the experience. The coca ceremony before hand really helped me crystallise my intentions and was very powerful. The session after the retreat (coca + massage) really helped both bring everything together, provide clarity and gave additional lessons and things to work on in the future. If you get the chance to work with Dhyana I would wholeheartedly recommend it, she’s a beautiful and very powerful soul!

    As a final note, Stacey could easily charge far more for his retreats but the quality of his character is that he wants to keep it affordable for the people who need the healing. The upside of this is you have a beautiful range of people who all reflect a slightly different version of yourself back to you. It’s not a cookie cutter, lush silicon valley retreat, but an authentic centre with soul where the people there all really care about healing and doing the deep work. Also, Paul who manages the participants, admissions and integration does a fantastic job. He’s very professional, warm and prompt. The whole team is absolutely first class.
    If you feel the call, can work out a time to visit, are medically suitable to drink ayahuasca I would whole heartedly recommend dreamglade. I plan to try and take my own mother and siblings back one day in the distant future!

  • OllieV
    November 20, 2019 at 11:45 pm

    In this review I will offer my perspective of working with ayahuasca, as well as how Dreamglade facilitates and incredible environment for inner development, healing and self-growth.
    For many people, drinking ayahuasca with the right intention can be a very difficult but rewarding experience, and I am no exception. I did a total of 9 ceremonies with Dreamglade over three weeks, and had done 8 ceremonies previously with another retreat in Iquitos.
    Part of the reason I was called to return to do ayahuasca again was that I had recently been opened up to energy in a way where it was no longer possible for my scientific mind to deny it, by being sceptical over a) My own experiences, and b) the fact it has not been ‘scientifically proven’; yet.

    The Healers:

    Drinking ayahuasca is not a magic cure that requires no attention and work on your part, and the healers are never there to do ‘all the work FOR YOU’. They are there to help guide you and protect you while you’re opened up through the medicine; this is a very vulnerable experience as ayahuasca will often attempt to show you sides of yourself that you have neglected to acknowledge, decompartmentalised or are afraid to face; with the right attitude and a courageous heart however, one is presented the opportunity for bringing those aspects into the light and back into yourself in a positive way.
    For this reason, doing ayahuasca with caring, attentive and honest curanderos (healers) is paramount to a good experience, and Dreamglade has found this in spades within Raul and Lydia (their curanderos). Something that was glaringly obvious to me after my second or third ceremony here, especially when I compared it to my previous ceremonies.

    I am an extremely empathic person and in the early days of my ceremonies at a PREVIOUS RETREAT; there were times I felt like I was swimming in a vat of s**t. I thought this was my own stuff until someone else attending gave me a piece of white sage; it cleared my space entirely during a ceremony and became like a lifeline.
    Upon arrival at Dreamglade, I still thought it was my sensitivity that left me so vulnerable to the energies in the room, and so brought an abundance of white sage with me in anticipation of this.
    After only a few ceremonies I realised I did not need it, and in that moment I realised it was because my space was being protected properly… the dense releasing of others around me was not permeating the room, and therefore I did not need to be constantly clearing my own space with the help of the sage.
    It was only after this realisation that I realised the retreat I went to before, was not individualising and clearing the space properly. This is not to say they were bad healers necessarily, it could also be that it was in part due to my abnormal sensitivity, but that truth meant that I also needed an extra bit of attention and protection than perhaps the average person attending does.
    Now… either – without having to talk to me – the healers at Dreamglade simply recognised this and gave the extra protection I needed. Or more likely, they are extremely thorough and simply give this ‘extra’ protection to every person who comes into their ceremonies.
    This is one example of the sort of thing that Raul and Lydia do that demonstrated to me their extreme attentiveness and care when conducting their healing work with participating guests. I will forever aspire to display their kind of responsibility and diligence.

    Dreamglades space:

    I was extremely surprised by the quality of the buildings and their smooth finished. The effort they went through to keep out unwanted insects and to facilitate a feeling of ‘making yourself at home’ really stood out to me; something that is also important for looking deep within for healing work.
    The nearby lake was a lovely addition for them to have as it created a really serene environment, even/especially when it rained. The connectedness of all the buildings meant you didn’t have to worry about getting drenched when you didn’t want to, but also didn’t have to go far to change when you did want to.
    If I went again, I would pay for the private room. To save money I opted into staying in the ceremony space, but due to the noise of others and a lack of my own proper space I could go to when I felt the calling, meant this was for me, the wrong choice.
    That’s my advice to you if you have read this far, pay the little extra for a private space to rest your head, heart and mind.
    Another addition I really liked was their attentiveness towards peoples reasons for going coming for healing. I witnessed serveral people having one on one attention with the healers outside of the ceremonies because they either needed additional treatment or help opening themselves up to the medicine.

    Another unique feature I loved was that the curanderos attended the sharing circles. This meant that if they had anything they felt they wanted or needed to impart about your individual healing, they could do this. They also were extremely open about answering any questions that you had about how they operate and what you were going through (Stacy was available to accurately translate this to and from them if you did not speak Spanish).
    The first place I went to this was not an option as they said the curanderos did not question what they do in ceremonies, they simply act in the present. This seemed a little strange to me but I accepted it. Upon learning of the readiness of Raul and Lydia to talk to us to facilitate our healing, was to me a terrific display of theirs and Dreamglades dedication to our healing.

    After leaving

    I had a rough time after leaving. I continued my travels and training in Kung Fu in China and unfortunately cause a rather bad virus. I was then misdiagnosed by Chinese doctors and given antibiotics; in case you don’t know, taking antibiotics with a virus is a terrible thing to do and this left me recovering health wise for 6 months from post-viral fatigue.
    Before I flew home and received the diagnosis of post-viral fatigue, I began to panic. Nothing I found online was explaining my symptoms and I started to fret that perhaps I was under some form of ‘physic attack’ (I really hate using that terminology as it has ridiculous pseudo spiritual connotations but it’s the best I can do to impart that feeling). I ended up contacting Stacy and he was absolutely amazing.
    The healers took an energetic look at me and told me through him that I was fine. After going back home to the doctors and receiving an actual diagnosis I realised what the actual problem was, but Stacy’s support and a confirmation from the healers that energetically there was nothing to worry about a) Helped calm my nerves, and b) Made me accept that I did have to book flights home to get to the bottom of what was causing my health issues. Luckily I have a very good GP because post-viral fatigue is understood in a very limited sense in the medical profession and many doctors would have missed it.

    To summarise. For anyone who is feeling the pull to work with ayahuasca and is willing to put the work in with this fantastic medicine, you really can achieve wonders. If you’ve been looking at retreats and are thinking of Dreamglade, look no further.
    Arrive with an open heart, an open mind, an accepting attitude and be grateful for the leap you are taking to do something incredible for yourself.


  • Hawkeye
    November 20, 2019 at 10:40 pm

    I attended dreamglade with my wife for 12 nights and 6 ceremonies at the beginning of November. We were collected and driven to the dreamglade jungle which I can only describe as pure paradise. The staff from Stacey to the groundskeeper were a first class act. Stacey is informative and full of wisdom as per the medicine and healing in general. He has a paternal aura and soothing voice which is calming and comforting during those tricky ceremonies. Drew is a breath of fresh air, always available to listen or hold space and has an amazing ability to help you see situations from different perspectives while focusing on the positives. He’s also quite possibly one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. The curandero’s , Lydia and Raul were nothing shy of remarkable, they don’t speak a word of English nor do I Spanish but you do not need words to see their knowledge of the plants and medicine and their love, care and dedication to healing. The number one factor when choosing a retreat for plant medicine is to feel safe and loved, I felt this throughout my entire stay and especially when Mother Aya was showing me parts of myself that were challenging. We were drawn to DG after seeing the YouTube video and witnessing Stacey’s passion, pride and determination for the healing, he did not disappoint.The fact that they only ever have 9 guests is also very appealing. I arrived at dreamglade with scepticism and doubt of the world, I left with my eyes wide open to all the magic and wonder in the world and a new found family. I cannot thank these guys enough and will definitely return.

    All the love


  • Kraymer
    November 20, 2019 at 3:28 pm

    This message is for the people who are curious, anxious, stuck and carrying around a lot of baggage. I can humbly say that based on my own and others experiences during my stay, Dreamglade for sure work with the light to brighten up those dark places that we have harboured inside all of us.

    It is my second visit back at DG, as I feel my first 5 ceremonies were only the tip of the iceberg and I needed to dig deeper for a real cleanse. I am sure you are all thinking why I returned to DG a second time? Well, to put it simply, why would you go anywhere else when you have found everything that you need here! From all the facilitators, Stace, Drew, Jess and all the ground staff are natural healers in their own right. The accumulation of spiritual knowledge between them is just colossal.

    DG has far exceeded all my expectations to the point I didn’t even have any this time round as I know what was going to come and I was 110% right. The Love, Care, Attention and Passion that they conduct themselves are just out of this world.

    Therefore, if you would like to have a most profound healing jungle experience and learn how to love unconditionally….

    You will be silly not to put DG as a priority for your own healing experience.

    Simply amazing work that is practiced here!

    I hope to see you all soon!

    Much love and beautiful light!



  • Celia English
    Celia English
    November 18, 2019 at 12:19 am

    So my review is different to the rest. I have also posted on retreat guru but you’ll see that I haven’t been able to on google reviews. A tech friend said they have actually blocked all bad reviews from the general public, so while they are still there, normal people cannot view them. You’ll also see that since my experience a couple of months back, all of sudden 10 extra reviews are added. A tad over kill. Also, this is my review based on my experience. I experienced it. You can think I am crazy or a fake, thats not my concern…just wanting to inform and educate. Take from it what you wish. Remember this isn’t a place to review someone else review as the lady seemed to think on retreat guru. It’s about reviewing YOUR experience, not about online bullying and attempting to defile a persons own experience.

    At the time I went, I did not know anything about energy fields, boundaries, protection, bad entities, plant dietas etc so was very trustworthy in everything they said and now I simply know better.

    However, the first week was great. Loved it. Lots of cleansing and bonding and settling in but then in the second week I was told to stop having plant baths which minimised protection, they gave me different food and I started to feel drained and open. They teach you nothing about protection prior to ceremony as well so while they do plenty of prep on themselves for protection of their own energy, Stacey merely does one blow of smoke on everyone before ceremony. They also tell you to inhale mapacho which is actually extremely bad for you and weakens your system.

    Then into the second week I started to feel really drained. Again, I thought it was me. I didn’t know better. My first week ceremonies where really intense and the second week they were getting blacker and blacker and it’s like my energy points we’re becoming blocked. I didn’t understand cause I didn’t know any better. They say it’s normal. The 6th ceremony came and the medicine told me they were slowly stealing my energy/essence. I then did not want to go on the Matt but Stacey didn’t give me a choice by saying “my house my rules” and stated to rayell to “finish the job”. He was then next to me during the singing saying in my ear “trust trust trust” over and over. From there I experienced light being sucked out of my head and then later a black smoke entered my head and I was extremely sick for months. Stacey admitted there was something off in the room and others in the room could feel it but said they cannot control everything that comes in. The medicine texture changed in the second week also.

    Since then, it’s been confirmed black magic was used on me and a lot of my energy/essence was taken. This stuff does exist and it happens. Please do not be ignorant and do your research and come to your own conclusion. Jonathan evatt and Peter micheal share a lot about this on the internet or find a trustworthy local healer to educate you on where your own energy fields are at and how to protect yourself before going to a retreat. An advanced healer knows all about this stuff. Dreamglade however have told other friends who have left and felt like something was attached that bad entities “cannot break the laws of spirit”. If they think this is true, then why do they protect themselves so much during ceremonies…..Stacey is also not trained in anyway to provide the medicine. Just because he has been drinking the medicine for over 10 years, doesn’t mean that he works in the light.

    While everyone can say they are healers, everyone has different energies, different traumas and different access points and different agendas. You’ve never met these people and do not know the depths of their soul. I’m sure Bill Crosby was a shock to everyone. I was an open wound and based on my starseed, I have lots of internal fire/light which they wanted. Gives them more power. The medicine is not pure as well. They add other things into it and it is not cooked on the premises and you do not know what intentions are going into it and do not get to put your own healing intentions into it, which is an important part of the process.

    Also with the plant dieta, 5 days is not enough to really connect with the plant and they do not take you to meet the plants and make a real connection and exchange with them. There’s more to plant dietas than just drinking the medicine.

    After the first week they kept saying I was clean over and over and then at the end of the retreat they then said I wasn’t clean of parasites and that aya and other plant medicines cannot help and I need to seek western help. Jess one of the staff actually admitted they stole my energy and decrowned me and to just move on. I’ve come across 4 others from the same retreat dating back to 4 years ago with the same sort of thing. This isn’t a frequent thing for them but they do it. They also recommended me to take Valium when I was distressed soon after ceremony. This was on text as well, which I still have. I also ended up in hospital after what happened and instead of trying to help, they protested too much to everyone else and got extremely defensive and then lied about my state of health in the hospital to my peers. The doctors had not even gotten any results back but they said I was strong and well.

    Since then, I’ve been cleared in all levels aside from my energetics. Ive have had multiple spiritual cleanings and extractions done since I left there 3 months ago and am still recovering after essentially being de scalped (my own healers words). No one should leave a retreat in the state I left in. I didn’t do this to myself. Understand and learn protection so you are not ignorant to the door way you are opening. I obviously don’t recommend this place. Teach yourself protection and at the very least find one where you can see and cook the medicine and infuse your intentions into it as group. It helps to feed the healing process as well

    • Dreamglade
      December 2, 2019 at 12:25 pm

      As the owner and principle facilitator at Dreamglade Shamanic Healing Center, I feel obliged to respond to this review as Celia has made some pretty unpleasant accusations against both myself and also my staff, so of course I am taking this matter very seriously.
      I would like to state first of all that we are all extremely sad about this situation and I am not at all surprised to receive these two very negative reviews from Celia, the one here on AyaAdvisors and another on another well-known review site.
      We have one simple objective regarding our healing work at the center and that is that each guest leaves us feeling much, much better than when they arrived.
      Obviously this was not the case with Celia but so far, after having approx 1500 people visit us over the last five and a half years we have had a very high success rate with the vast majority of our guests leaving, feeling very satisfied and in great shape after undergoing some profound personal healing whilst under our care.
      Of course we have to be realistic and accept that we are not able to fulfil our desired objective 100% of the time, especially as we are dealing with a constant flow of people, all with their own particular issues, many in dire need of some very deep processing and/or healing.
      It is not uncommon, that when someone is confronted with their own issues/negative thought patterns, their ‘shadow side’ if you like, that they can move into deep denial about what is coming up and, instead of accepting and owning those said issues, will instead sometimes ‘project’ them onto myself and/or my staff or even other guests. When a situation such as this arises, we strive to stay very calm, to not react and to not get ‘sucked in’ to that person’s crisis (as it is not usually anything personal) whilst gently and patiently attempting to help them work through those uncomfortable aspects of themselves.
      We have a very thorough, online screening process for all prospective guests before we will confirm any reservation with the aim of only accepting participants that we feel can work effectively with these very powerful plant medicines in complete safety. Fortunately, we have a very good reputation; therefore we are in an enviable position where we have a large number of people desiring to come to the center. We do not need to take on any potential ‘risky’ guests, as we know that we will easily fill each retreat space. We turn people away literally every week because we may have genuine concerns about their suitability for this type of work but the truth is, we truly are a healing center, so of course we can’t possibly turn away every single person who has personal issues and on occasion there are guests that come to us that are just not ready to face their shadow and take ownership of their own fears and insecurities.
      We did everything in our power to help Celia, with constant support and counselling whilst she was with us and we even convinced her to stay at the center for an additional three days (completely free of charge) in order to try and help her work through some ‘trust issues’ that were obviously coming up very strongly with her but unfortunately we were unable to change her state of mind before she left us.
      The safety and wellbeing of every single guest that comes to Dreamglade for healing work is our number one priority, which is why I have been personally present at every single ceremony since the day we first opened to the public in June of 2015.
      It is also why we always have a minimum of at least two experienced facilitators and two extremely competent Shipibo curanderos, taking care of a maximum of 9-10 guests during every ceremony, so that each person receives adequate support and attention on every level. Myself and my co-facilitators attentively taking care of all of their physical, emotional and psychological needs whilst the two curanderos do an exceptional job of traditional shamanic healing whilst also protecting each guest on a spiritual and energetic level.
      It is also why I chose to build the center in that particular area, so to be not too far away from Iquitos (but far enough to be free of noise or light pollution) and why our 4×4 vehicle is always present, right outside the maloka (ceremonial hut), during every single ceremony so that I could get someone to the nearest hospital very quickly (approx 30 min) in case of an emergency. This has not happened once since we opened the center.
      My staff and I have talked extensively about the unfortunate situation with Celia, in order to try to really learn from the experience and to do everything in our power to prevent such an incident from ever happening again. It was, without a doubt, the most distressing encounter that we have ever had with a guest at Dreamglade to date. We feel no ill will towards her, just a deep sense of disappointment and regret that we were not able to help her as we have helped so many others.
      However, considering the fact that she has made some pretty scandalous allegations against both myself and my staff, I feel fully justified in clarifying some of the completely false statements that she has given in her very negative reviews of us.
      They are so numerous that I will not attempt to address every single one of them but here are a few that I can confidently dispel without any doubt what-so-ever.
      – She was NEVER told to “stop using the plant bath”. We have never, EVER told any guest to do this and the truth is, its main function is more to clean one’s energy, not as an effective form of energetic protection (the main protection for the guests is created by the curanderos during the ceremony by the singing of icaros).
      – She was NEVER told to “inhale” tobacco smoke and it is not something we would ever pressure any guest to do (sometimes we are asked by our guests if we inhale and we honestly reply that yes, we all do, but the guests are not obliged to in any way). Curiously, mapacho (the local jungle tobacco) is actually considered to be one of the best forms of defence against negative energies and is used (and usually inhaled) by every single curandero I have ever worked with in the Peruvian Amazon region area since I moved here 12 years ago.
      – Her food was NO DIFFERENT from the food that she ate the first week that she spent with us and was the SAME food that all the other guests were eating.
      – The ayahuasca that we use is completely free of any dangerous plant additions to it (such as Toe) and it is the same recipe that we have been using for every ceremony for the last 5 and a half years with consistent and often wonderful results. Any guest, at any time, is welcome to take a sample of it and get it tested if they so desire. Until they do that, any accusations of it being “not pure” or adulterated are purely speculative and not backed up by any evidence whatsoever.
      – Our resident yoga teacher Jess, most definitely DID NOT confirm to Celia that we had “stolen her energy” during that last ceremony. The TRUTH is that Celia had asked Jess, just a couple of days before, if it was possible for a shaman to “steal someone’s energy” as she had read an account online of somebody claiming to have had this experience whilst doing her research about Ayahuasca. This means the idea was already in her mind BEFORE she even arrived at the center (this is very significant information***).
      – There was NEVER any kind of ‘sinister plot’ to weaken her energy so that we could steal her ‘light’. All of us at Dreamglade have just one desire and that is to help as many people truly heal as possible. We have no need or desire to “attack” anyone or “steal his or her energy”.
      – Her claim that we “block bad reviews” is also completely unfounded as there is no way we could possibly do that (Celia’s two very negative reviews are definitive proof of this!!).
      – She has also stated that there are “4 other ex-guests suffering from the same issues” after visiting my center yet provides no evidence of this whatsoever. If there really are 4 other ex-guests that feel that have been “attacked” whilst staying with us I would like very much to hear from them, either through here or via email. If this is true then it is something that I would take VERY seriously. Until they do though, I will treat this information as just more hollow accusations devoid of any merit.
      The truth is, we have literally HUNDREDS of very, very positive reviews spread all over the Internet and we are one of the most respected centers in the plant medicine community. This is the FIRST TIME that we have ever received such a negative and scurrilous review from one of our guests.
      She has also stated that “her own healer” has confirmed that she had been spiritually “de scalped” ??
      Curiously, what she has failed to mention in either of her reviews, is the VERY PERTINENT detail that just 3 days after leaving our center, she chose to go off with two, well-known, local con-men that she had met on the street, who had ‘confirmed’ to her that she had been attacked by us (neither of them has any training with plant medicines) but, luckily for her, they knew an ‘expert shaman’ that could fix her problem but of course it would require a considerable amount of money!!
      Despite my dire warnings to her, she chose to put all of her trust in them, paid in cash upfront and ended up in a VERY vulnerable situation, deep in the jungle, several hours away from Iquitos, completely at the mercy of two very unsavoury characters. She drank ayahuasca with a completely unknown shaman in a little wooden hut in the middle of nowhere. No website, no reviews, no facilitators present. Afterwards she described this encounter as extremely traumatic, as she felt the said shaman heavily attacked her with ‘witchcraft’.
      I take no pleasure whatsoever in making public these details about Celia. We promise all of our guests’ complete confidentiality and up until this moment, we have faithfully kept that promise. However, considering the serious allegations that Celia is making against us, I feel that she has not really left me any other option. Like any normal person, I have certain ‘boundaries’. I have no problem at all with receiving constructive criticism concerning the way we run the center but when someone is making completely false allegations against me and my crew and backing up those allegations with completely false statements, I feel that I have duty to put forward our side of the story.
      Dreamglade is my baby. I have spent the last 6 and a half years working very hard to make it into the incredible healing center that it is today. I have invested all of my energy, time and every cent to my name into creating a beautiful space where people from all over the world can come and experience true healing, in a safe and supportive environment. Myself and all of my staff are very PROUD of the work we do at Dreamglade as we know that it is of a very high standard and we will continue to shine our light way into the future***

  • damien
    August 31, 2019 at 10:52 am

    I spent two weeks at Dreamglade. Pretty much everything exceeded my expectations.

    First the team, Raul and Lidia are both genuine masters, they follow the Shipibo tradition and took good care of us on a spiritual level. Stace is very knowledgeable and run the whole thing like clockwork. Drew and Jess are both amazing human beings, they made us feel extremely safe, and were always present.

    Their medicine is strong, a lot more visual compared to other brews I tried.

    The center is really well designed, there is a lot of space and I felt really at home. They provided plenty of healthy food. I had two plant dietas and I really got a lot out of them.

  • Ttpn148
    May 22, 2019 at 5:54 pm

    I was unsure about doing anything like this, although I’ve always been open minded it never occurred to me to take the leap and go into such a remote place in Peru, and even when I got there – despite everyone being so welcoming and friendly – I was still undecided.

    This is natural, you listen to the videos before you go and you think “it seems a bit exaggerated that such a simple idea, being close to nature, attuning yourself in line with what humans were meant to do, could possibly do the things they say – heal illnesses, drown out grief, pride in an ocean of happiness and purpose” – that is, in no clearer terms what happened.

    It was by no means as I mentioned above an instantaneous thing, whilst I immediately enjoyed the secluded and peaceful nature of the place (made much better by the very well maintained and pleasant facilities provided) the rituals themselves were an entirely different matter.

    I found myself wondering how much I would change with every single one – and it was in every single one that I learnt something – not necessarily knowledge – I couldn’t describe it to you – but I can say for certain that I am more than I was before.

    I had my own problems with assertiveness and where I fitted in with regards to the grand scheme of things, I suppose its natural to think like this – but it doesn’t being a great deal of comfort in a troubled, busy modern life to not know where you’re going or when.

    But now I do.

    Whilst I want to tell you everything about my exact experience, I fear it would be wasted on you, as we all have our own path to walk, some may find they are already there – and in which case they will get to enjoy the wonderful experiences of the place and its people – others will see their own life flash before them – their faults, family, memories – everything, and if the healing songs are meant to work at that time – then you will be healed – a wound you may not know you had or recognised.

    As a last note, I’d like to thank everyone who helped me on this journey – specifically the staff Drew and Stacey for making this entire experience possible.

    I wish you all well on your quest of self discovery.

    December 27, 2018 at 6:24 pm

    I am speachless. I really dont know where to start.
    This was my most amazing, beautiful, and also my exhausting and excruciating 2 week of my entire life. I stayed at Dreamglade in November for 2 weeks which included 6 ceremonies and I wouldn’t change this 2 week for anything! In some ceremonies i went through absolute pain, fear, agony, terror, madness and I still say I wouldn’t change it to anything!!
    (Of course I had really beautiful, loving, and super visual ceremonies as well… XD)

    On the first day as discussed Stacy came to collect us in Iquitos and from the first time I knew we are in good hands. When we arrived to the center we packed down and went to the Maloka for a group talk. Stacy gave us at least an hourly talk how things go around, he really took care about the tiniest details, he was really caotious to not miss or skip something. It was so amazing to see that he really care for people. I cant say anything else just the same things to Drew. I think without Drew Dreamglade would be a totally different place. Drew is a real star and light the whole center. He is there for you every time and his positive energy just radiates through the whole center. Drew works untiringly to make everybodys time in the center unforgettable. He is always there for you even if you just want to talk to someone. The 2 curanderos Raul and Lidia are also super awesome people and as I see they are very knowledgeable. Their icaros was just amazing. Both icaros sometimes intensified the experiance sometimes I felt it kepts me away from going insane.

    The whole center is also just amazing, the buildings, the design, the materials they use, everything is made up with care and with quality. They have 2 showers and 3 nice, clean flushable modern toilets. The whole center is well maintained and the staff cleans the center every day. The Maloka is the highlight of the center, its even more beutiful in real life. The lake in the center is just another thing that makes this place even more special and atmosoheric, its really nice that you can just splash into whenever you wishes. They have a huge „home theatre” in the communal house and 1-2 times a week there is movie time.

    The food was surprisingly awesome. I mean even it did not have any kind of seasoning or salt it tasted almost better than the food I eat at home. And the quantity the gave us was just huge. Yes the provide huge meals and its taste awsesome. Not gonna stretch it further it was more than good.
    The little Tambos are really nice, it has enough space inside, you get a table, a chair, really comfy bed all screened with net (the beds also has its own mosquito net). The Maloka is also a nice choice to stay since its georgeous, and its always clean.

    Ceremonies started around 8 p.m.
    Its really good that they do not work with too many guests at the same time, and it allows them to make each participants personal space wide enough so there is no way to be bothered by one of you „neighbor”. There are not just 1 but 2 curanderos during the ceremony and they sing the icaroses alternatelly which is again a huge thumbs up. During the night from timet o time Stacy and Drew goes around to chech everyone if they are doing okay. Its really awesome that they wont leave you completly alone just by yourself, but they dont „disturbe” you too often. You can tell from this that they are really experianced. Through out the whole ceremony if you have any problem, ANY problem Stacy and Drew are there for you and they will help you with everything. Doesnt matter what is that, you need a water refill or you having a hard time, or you are freaking out you can call them and in seconds one of them is there for you and if neseccary the stay there for you. At the end of each ceremony Drew sang 3 different mantra, and I really liked them, plus it was a great way to sign that the end of the ceremony is close.
    Every morning after ceremony we had a group talk to share our experiances which I think is really essential. These group talks helps not just to unredstand and process what happened but all of you can make a stronger connection between each other. I dont think I could say anything bad about the ceremonies.

    The Ayahuasca brew the are using is really potent and strong. The slightest dose raise makes huge differences from ceremony to ceremony. So be extra cautious. 😉

    If it wasnt obvious this place lives up to its name. Its truly a dream. A dream come true. This was my first Ayahuasca retreat, but I have no idea why should I try another one because this place was just so perfect. I have red so many articles about different centers that its a „gringo center”, „they just charge you for a lot of money and dont really care for you ”, etc. BUT!! This place is nothing like that. Here the staff and basically everyone CARES about you! And I think we couldnt ask more than this. I really think I will never be able to thank to Stacy, Drew, Raul and Lidia ther care, empathy, love and all the healing what they offer.
    I am 100% sure that I will come back here, and I cant wait for it!
    I HIGHY RECOMEND Dreamglade for everyone. Not just for first timers, but for those who tried Ayahuasca before aswell.
    If I could give more than 5 stars I would!!!
    P.S.: I love you gusy!!!

  • csinkha
    November 9, 2018 at 9:01 pm

    I can’t say enough positive things about Dreamglade. Right from the moment I met Stace and set foot onto the Dreamglade grounds, I knew I’d be in good hands. They are very experienced and look after all your needs. If you ever have any questions you can be sure that Stace, Drew, or one of the other staff will be able to help you out. The curanderos live on the site, so they are often available if you need some extra work. The food was delicious! The facility is very clean and well maintained. The sauna is a great addition! The lake was great for a dip during hot days. The small groups were fantastic during ceremony nights. After having been to a couple other retreat centers, I feel very comfortable recommending Dreamglade over any others. The level of care and comfort I experienced here is incomparable to many retreats. I really thank the staff here for creating such an authentic healing environment. I can’t wait to be back here again!

  • Veda
    September 13, 2018 at 11:46 am

    In August i stayed with Dreamglade for a week.

    I had heard about Aya and i was lucky enough to get a space in short notice for Dreamglade – normally the waiting list was around three months.

    The location and facilities available were perfect for what we needed. There was a sense of paradise, and isolation, which was needed for the Ayahuascha to work.

    Drew,Stacey,Jess and Raul and Lydia all worked to aid your healing, and there was always somebody around if you wanted to talk, or just generally needed help.

    The ceremonies itself were done in a very safe environment, with Drew and Stacey always available if you needed their assistance. While the brew was very strong, they were aware of what you needed to experience it.

    The week has changed my life for the better, and i feel without the quality Dreamglade offered it would have been very different. I recommend this retreat to anyone who is curious about it.

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