Santuario de la Dieta Shipibo

Santuario de la Dieta Shipibo is an indigenous centre for the study of medicinal and teacher plants in the Shipibo-Conibo tradition. Working directly with a family of Shipibo Onaya (maestros / curanderos), the Santuario provides a place where one can connect more deeply with sacred Amazonian plants through traditional Sama (dieta or plant diet).

The Santuario is located in the Peruvian Amazon along the Ucayali river, 6 hours by boat from the city of Pucallpa, and a 30 minute walk from the Shipibo village of Santa Rosa de Dinamarca.

The Santuario is for those who not only seek a deeper connection to jungle plants but also to nature. Please be aware that in choosing to come to the Santuario, you are choosing to be immersed in the Peruvian Amazon in its most raw. While there are many other retreat centres that provide more of the comforts of home, the Santuario is an authentic experience of jungle life. You have the opportunity to completely disconnect from the outside world and modern conveniences, with no electricity or running water. This means:

No internet

Candles in the dark

Bucket baths

Outdoor latrines

Mosquitoes, cockroaches, and other jungle insects

Rustic jungle living can be intense but is very much a part of the dieta experience at the Santuario. However, it is important to assess before booking whether this is something for you.

Available services:

Charging – If you bring anything that requires charging, someone can bring it into town for you to recharge for a small fee.
Telephone – There is one community telephone in the village of Santa Rosa de Dinamarca.
Laundry – A member of the Garcia family is there to wash your clothes and your linens when needed.

Reviews (2)

3.0 out of 5
Overall 3.0
  • centos
    June 23, 2018 at 10:56 am

    I arrived in Peru on Saturday, June 2nd. Two staff members, Devis and Leo, from the center picked me up from the airport and drove me to the guest house where I would be staying. Once we were there they began asking me for the other half of the money. The rate was going to be 355 dollars per week and I would stay for 10 weeks. The deposit I paid was 1775 dollars and therefore I had already paid for 5 weeks at the center. I explained to the guys that I would be returning to Pucallpa on June 22nd in order to vote in a local election where I am from. I would pay them the other half of the money in three weeks, but first I’d get a chance to meet the shamans and get a feel of the place. They were persistent about getting the other half. They said if I had any troubles that there was a 100% refund. I didn’t believe that and insisted that I’d already paid for 5 weeks and needed to return to Pucallpa in three weeks.

    Eventually the owner of the guest house got involved and just reiterated what I had said, but in Spanish. Me and the guys from the center had been using google translate, but they already understood my perspective. However, a fellow Spanish speaker pointing out the obvious did the trick. They gave in, but also made two demands; #1 instead of leaving to the center on the following morning, Sunday, they would make me wait until possibly Wednesday (which is when we actually left). Stipulation #2 I give them 60 usd for travel then and there. Which I did.

    The next few days I spent at the guest house and they were great. On Wednesday, June 6th we left for the center. We took a long boat up the river for 2.5 hours. On the way I learned that my shaman would be Oliver. Instead of the whole family of shamans who I thought would be there. The father, mother, and brother of Oliver were doing a ceremony in the Netherlands. Oliver seemed very nice, but a little young at 22. Oliver’s headphones were broken and he asked if he could use my earbuds. I said sure. Eventually we turned off the main river and took a smaller tributary river for about 30~40 minutes to the Shipibo village of Santa Rosa de Dinamarca where we disembarked from the boat.

    The center is about a twenty minute ride from the boat landing down some pretty rough tuk-tuk dirt roads with lots of mud. When you arrive at the center the first building you see is the kitchen/dining room building. The kitchen area is a covered lean-to with no walls that is connected to the large and walled dining room where the guests eat. I would be the only guest until Tuesday.

    There were two puppies at the kitchen that ran up to greet us when we arrived. The older puppy is named Rambo and his coat is black and brown. He was between 7 and 10 months old and will be a medium sized dog when he is fully grown. His stomach was incredibly thin. The other dog is named Blanca and was maybe 4 months old and quite small. She will probably be a bit larger than a Jack Russell Terrier and looks like one. Her stomach was a swollen sphere like you see when children in developing are suffering from malnutrition and starvation. I thought it might just be parasites.

    Oliver took me along the walking path to show me around. He pointed out the large lagoon to the right. It is beautiful and sort of hugs the sanctuary, but its piranhas prevent anyone but the otters from swimming in it. On the left were a series of tambos (individual rooms). All the closest tambos to the kitchen were already occupied by the staff who usually slept more than one to a tambo.

    A third dog ran up and she was an actual fully grown dog, but skin and bones and a little standoffish. The missing fur on her chest and her demeanor when I pet her revealed that she had had a hard life. Oliver and I continued walking and I took a tambo off of a side trail that was secluded. I thought it would be better for changing clothes and being nude.

    That first night I tried studying Spanish by candle light, but in the thickening darkness my room was quickly overrun by cockroaches and one large spider. Sure cockroaches are harmless, but they kept flying at the candle flame and momentarily self-immolating. I took a photo of the spider to confirm with the staff the following morning that it wasn’t seriously poisonous. I didn’t want to kill it without need.

    The first ceremony happened two days later on the Friday, June 8th. The days between were spent wandering the grounds, meeting the staff, and marveling at all the various types and sizes of insects like butterflies and ants. All the buildings like the tambos, maloka (ceremonial building), composting toilets, and pathways are all really nice. They were actively building a new bathroom with running water and showers that was beautiful. They also have solar panels set up, but for some reason they don’t work yet. It was this picturesque place, but I was the only guest there and it felt a bit like a ghost town.

    That day Oliver said another shaman from his family would be arriving in two or three days. During the ceremony I drank a half of a large shot glass of ayahuasca and the brew seemed a little thin. That was fine. It was a pleasant ceremony and I felt largely in control. Oliver’s icaros was beautiful.

    The next night which was Saturday, June 9th however I had a strange experience. As I lay in my bed thinking, a group of birds flew overhead and then nested on the ground on three different sides of my tambo. On each side there was a pair and each pair were only about 30 feet from me. They talked and mostly screamed at each other all night. The screams were a very unnerving hoarse noise. Were they territorial displays? I don’t know, but it went on for hours and hours.

    The next day Sunday, June 10th was the second ceremony. Oliver told me that the second shaman would not be coming and that he didn’t know why. Oliver also mentioned that he would be leaving the sanctuary for four days to go into Pucallpa and that he would return with another male guest. And we’d have my third ceremony the day of his return, Thursday June 10th. During Sunday’s ceremony I drank a full glass of ayahuasca and had a very intense purge and very intense visions, but overall it was good.

    The following morning, Monday June 11th Oliver reiterated that he was leaving for Pucallpa, then asked to borrow 150 sols (50 usd). He said he would pay me back when he returned. I was a little put off by the shaman leaving and also giving this group more money (originally gave them 60 usd the very first meeting). I figured I’d deduct all these amounts from the remaining 1775 dollars that I owed them.

    That day Loca, the older dog, followed me to my tambo for the first time. Then even Rambo did. Before the dogs would all stop at certain point along the path and just sit down and watch me walk the rest of the way. Their coming to my tambo made me feel much better.

    At one point on Monday every single person left the center and I was alone with only the dogs. I took a shower on the dock of the lagoon.
    On Tuesday, June 12th, Hadar (one of the two cooks) told me that Oliver was returning that day. When Oliver returned he was alone. There was no new guest with him. He didn’t really say why the other person had not come. But he did have a new pair of headphones and I understood where the 150 sols had gone. Instead a new guest did arrive, but she was female and from a Europe. He had mentioned a woman from Ecuador would be coming at some point to make a documentary about the center, but then she never arrived.

    I was happy that the shaman was back on site though and I walked back to my tambo to study. Through the dense forest at my tambo I heard an animal bounding through it. I prepared myself for anything, but it was Loca the adult dog. I began to notice Loca going into the forest more and more at this point.

    On Wednesday June 13th, Loca became ill. I had been giving my leftovers to the dogs since I arrived and they were all looking much healthier. Blanca’s stomach was a normal shape, Rambo’s stomach had filled out, but now Loca refused food when the European woman offered her some omelette. I followed Loca and she eventually very gingerly took the omelete in her mouth and walked away sickly.

    I went to use the composting toilet near the kitchen and lifted the toilet sit to pee and there was a medium sized tree frog underneath. I carefully picked it up, so that it didn’t fall or jump down into the toilet. Then I walked it out into the forest a ways away from the toilet and put it on a leaf.

    Later that day we saw Loca and she looked much worse. She didn’t want to be talked to and walked away when I called to her. As she did she vomited. I decided to follow her and bring her a bowl of clean water. She had walked up the path towards the maloka/deeper jungle and I intercepted her at the new bathroom right before the maloka. I put water out for her and eventually she swayed her way over to it. I was concerned that she might have gotten rabies. Giving water to someone who is sick is good no matter what, but when an animal becomes rabid it becomes hydrophobic eventually which means it can no longer drink water. Loca drank the water slowly, but clearly wanting to. She vomited again and kept drinking. I left the bowl for her.

    That night I could not sleep. During the late night part I thought I heard Oliver whisper my name outside of my tambo, but I hadn’t seen a headlamp approach so that would mean he had to walk to my tambo in the dark. I decided that was not Oliver and probably just my imagination, but I definitely was not leaving my tambo until morning. I heard it several more times.

    The next day Thursday, June 14th was my third ceremony and the European woman’s first. When I woke up and went to the kitchen to see the dogs, Oliver asked me if I had seen Loca. I told him that she had been going into the jungle more and more. Oliver seemed concerned. I prepared Loca a plate of scrambled eggs mashed with rice, water, and a little sugar (at Oliver’s request). I didn’t want to include the sugar, but I’m not a veterinarian. I walked all over the center’s paths calling her. First down by my tambo and then up towards the maloka and towards the second lagoon. As I was coming back from the second lagoon I decided to walk around the maloka completely to make sure Loca wasn’t there. As I did three or four bats flew out from the maloka in broad daylight. I thought it was kind of cool. I walked back to the kitchen and left the food with Mary (the other cook) in case Loca did show up.

    Oliver was talking with a man I’d not previously seen and he asked me if I wanted to go see his cow. I said yes and Oliver said we’re leaving now. I went to use composting toilet and lifted the seat and the same frog was back again. I picked it up and took some pictures and then walked up to the group of men which consisted of the man I did not know, Oliver, and Hadar the cook. I showed Oliver the frog and said, “It’s weird it came back today.”

    He looked concerned and said, “Don’t touch that. When doing dieta sapo (frog) has bad energy. Put it down.” So I did.

    We walked up the path and past the maloka. I mentioned that I had just seen some bats while looking for Loca at the Maloka. Oliver stopped and had us turn around so I could show him where the bats were. He said it was not good.

    Oliver and the stranger had machetes and on the walking path down to the second lagoon there is a side road for tuk-tuks. Our group took the road. There were a series of different roads and we took some various turns. Eventually we came to a point and the stranger had us stop. Instead of continuing on the road we went directly into the jungle. I am a foot taller than any of the peruvians and we were ducking under vines and branches. We walked for five or ten minutes through the jungle and then came to a sort of clearing. There was a building. It had a roof, but no walls. Oliver and the stranger started talking. I could tell that the stranger to me was someone who Oliver knew and that he had found the structure. Oliver looked concerned. Oliver told me the stranger was an organic farmer in the jungle. Then Oliver began inspecting the structure’s beams to see how much fungus was on it which would indicate how long it had been there. It was new. There was very little of the tendrilly fungus that covers all things wooden. After a while we left.

    Now the stranger left and we walked along the main roads again. We eventually came to a giant clearing. This is where Oliver’s cow would live. The cow wasn’t there yet. The trees had been burnt down by slash and burn. Oliver began calling for someone. There was a response. We made our way down through the clearing which was quite marshy. There was another lagoon back here. We walked for about 5 minutes and came to the edge of what had been macheteed down. In the shade was another man who I had seen in camp a few times, but never before gotten his name, Sindar. I helped them clear out some plants for a while and then Oliver had Hadar take me to another building in the center of the clearing. We had to cut out way to it and neither of us had machetes, so I beat down the bushes with a stick. We got to structure and it too had a roof and no walls, but this one had a fire and plastic water bottles and a large pot with a burnt bottom. The structure was apparently meant for Sindar to sleep under. The large pot/cauldron was large enough to cook ayahuasca if one wanted to. Hadar and I hung out there for a while and then returned. Oliver had been clearing more of the path. Eventually we made our way back and Oliver showed me how much more of the jungle he wanted to clear. It was a lot. Acres more. I asked him how long they’d been working on this. He said three years and that he’d need some more before the cow. As we began our walk back to the camp Oliver stopped to talk with Sindar several times. I asked Oliver explicitly who built the building in the middle of the jungle and he said he didn’t know.

    When we got back to camp it was 11:30. The ceremony would be at 7:30. At about 5pm a storm blew in with those bizarre winds that seem to make individuals trees thrash about violently, but leave their neighbors completely unperturbed. When the ceremony started I drank about 70% of the big glass. I purged up quite a lot. Then I had visions. I felt connected to the sick dog Loca. Who naturally was a guard dog, but now looked on the verge of death. All skin and bones. I saw myself dying and Oliver dying and the European woman dying. Oliver’s icaros sounded strained and that he was struggling. I felt like the situation was unsafe and that something wanted us dead. I connected with Loca and wondered if the same thing that wanted us dead was what made Loca so ill. Then I began feeling like a guard dog myself. I was not only worried about myself, but about the European woman who was drinking ayahuasca for the very first time. I laid down on the floor next to the European woman’s mat like a guard dog after offering her my blanket and knocking over the clean water in her purge bucket. Eventually I realized how this probably affected her own process and went back to my mat.

    I still felt intensely the suffering of Loca and called out to her, “Loca, I love you.” Something moved in the jungle. I hoped it was Loca realizing someone cared about her.

    I had an intense period of feeling myself dying. My body went cold and I felt like all I had to do was lie down and accept death. A voice seemed to be saying that not every lifetime do you really awaken and that it is okay. To trust in future generations and just let go. I laid down. Then the guard dog spirit came back and said, “No, if not for you then for everyone else here. This is not safe. This is life or death!” I sat back up.

    People began coming and going into the tambo more than usual. I began turning on my flashlight to check to see who each person was. I was feeling more and more in danger and also that I had to protect everyone from something. Eventually Clever (the security guard) came to the tambo with Mary and Allison (Leo’s daughter). They stood talking for a while and I asked Oliver what was going on. Then Mary and Clever left. Oliver was speaking in a hushed voice, but I was increasingly normal voiced.

    He whispered his response, “traffic”.

    It was like 12 am at night in the middle of the jungle next to a village that only has a population of 800 and that is disconnected to anywhere else except for by boat.

    “TRAFFIC?!” I said incredulously.

    “Yes, traffic. They are wanting to leave to Santa Rosa de Dinamarca.”



    “What traffic could there be, Oliver?”

    “Jungle people.”

    “Jungle people?!”

    “It’s okay, David. They are the security.”

    “No, Oliver. This is not okay. They are the security and they want to leave. WHY DOES THE SECURITY WANT TO LEAVE?!!”

    They came back inside and then Clever went out. This had never happened before where everyone was huddled in the maloka. A minute or two later there was a gunshot not 100 meters away. It was between the kitchen and the new bathroom. Everyone sat up for the European woman who seemed tranquil all night. I started thinking what would I do if these people came into the Maloka. I decided I would hit the highbeam on on my headlamp and grab my mattress as a shield again machetes and try to pin the person down and then headlock them.

    Clever came back into the maloka. Now every single person at Santuaria de la dieta shipibo was in the maloka. This too had never happened before during the first two ceremonies. And you could hear people outside moving around. Anytime there was a noise I turned on my red light of my headlamp and pointed it in the direction of the noise. A nonverbal way to say, “Someone is alert and someone is fucking ready for you motherfuckers to make a move. It’s not going to be so easy. We know you are there. We have a rifle and machetes and there is big fucking foreigner who has taken the spirit of a guard dog into himself and is fucking loco on adrenaline and fight or flight hormones. He’s choosing fight.”

    Other people slept from time to time. I remained awake. Smoking mapacho after mapacho both to clear negative energy, to give me a nicotine high to keep me awake, and give me something to do. Eventually I began hearing whimpering from outside and I knew it was Blanca the most babiest dog. All the people had come inside to the maloka, but these two baby dogs and one sick dog were outside with these strangers walking around the premises. I thought, “Our guard dogs are three small to medium sized dogs, two are babies, and one is fighting for her life against some illness. We are so poorly defended.” Then Blanca cried out again.

    “Oliver, can I bring Blanca into the maloka?”

    “Yes, it’s okay.”

    I had to work up the nerve to walk to the door which was directly across from my mat. I stood up walked towards the door, then doubled back to the shaman’s ayahuasca alter in the middle of the maloka and searched for a knife or machete. There was a knife. I grabbed it and walked to the door and switched on my red light. I opened the door and there on the ground below the steps to the maloka was Blanca looking terrified.

    “Blanca, Blanca, Blanca come on,” I called to her not wanting to go out in case it was a trap. Blanca didn’t move.

    “Blanca, please come on”


    So I looked both ways and did a sweep and didn’t see anyone’s eyes in the light. I ran down, knife fully exposed, grabbed the puppy ran back inside baring my teeth like an animal and swiveled the makeshift wooden door stopper back. I let Blanca down and she ran over to Allison or Hadar.

    “Protect everyone,” a voice was telling me.

    Maybe fifteen minutes later Rambo too started crying. Only he was directly behind me. This time I just said in a big voice, “Rambo!”

    I stood up. Flicked on my light to show him where I was. Walked over to the door with my ceremonial, hopefully magical knife, and switched on my head lamp to show him that I had moved. Then I called to him in a big voice several times and heard him run around the side of the maloka to the door. I opened the door and he ran up and I let him in.

    “Muy bueno, Rambo” I said. I knew that Loca wasn’t going to come in. Or at least I didn’t expect it since she was so sick.

    I coaxed Rambo to my mat and it took him a long time to finally stop being so nervous. The rest of the night was spent cuddling Rambo in one arm and keeping my other arm near the knife that I placed behind my statue of buddha on the right side of my mat.

    Occasionally Oliver would say, “It’s okay now, David”

    And I just said, “Maybe, but I am ready and I want the ‘traffic’ to know that. If anything happens I am ready.”

    Some people slept, others didn’t, other people started doing what I was doing and flicking on their lights when noise came from outside. At 2am an digital alarm started. I looked over at Oliver and thought it was maybe his phone, he looked for his phone, and then I could hear the alarm moving back and forth behind the maloka. I flicked on my light. I thought maybe that was a signal for them to try something again. The rest of the night I made a plan on how to get me and the European woman out and how to simultaneously help the dogs. One thought terrified me. What if our id’s and money was stolen?

    By morning I was covered in ash from spent mapachos. At daybreak some people got up and left. Oliver and I walked out together. Oliver said he needed water. I asked him who the people were in google translate on my phone. He said cannibals that like to come in the night and take the organs of foreigners. I asked him several times if I was correctly understanding what he meant and he kept saying yes. I realized he meant “organ traffickers” last night, not car traffic. That’s when he told me that Clever had fired the gun when he saw someone in the camp not far from him. I asked about the mysterious building. Was that the traffickers? He didn’t know. He spoke about these trafficker/cannibals as though it was something he had dealt with before.

    All that night there were many bats flying around and some crazy wind that would only affect like certain trees. I figured it might be some black magic and had flicked on my light whenever I heard that happen either. I told Oliver about that and that I thought maybe there was some brujah (witch stuff involved) and he said yes that they are jealous of him that he is a good healer.

    Oliver went to go get his water and I was fiendishly typing into google translate. He came back and said, “Don’t drink the water today. There is something wrong with it.” I didn’t ask him what, but that was the first time he said that in nine says.

    “We’ll get bottles of water from Santa Rosa de Dinamarca”

    The water system at the center are buckets that filter the lagoon water to make it drinkable. The people who trespassed that night did something to the water.

    I had thought of a plan for an excuse to leave during the night. Loca was near death. I insisted I take her into Pucallpa to see a veterinarian and that I would come back. I got confirmation that they would take me by boat. I needed to tell Leo that I would give him more money for the travel if the jungle people hadn’t stolen my wallet and passport.

    I went to my maloka and let out a massive sigh of relief that my things were there. The trespassers hadn’t been interested in robbing our possessions. I packed my bags leaving unnecessary things. Then I walked to the European woman’s tambo and roused her up. Told her about the mysterious building the farmer discovered and showed us, Oliver calling the trespassers cannibal/organ traffickers, the gun shot, the tainted water. She didn’t believe me. I kept saying, “trust me. I can’t leave you here alone. I will give you the 1500 dollars so that you can go to another center. Please come with me. Why doesn’t this place have any reviews if it’s been open for seven years? Why did no other guests book it.”

    She said we needed to talk with them anyway because we couldn’t leave without their help. I told her my excuse of helping the dogs (I still wanted to help the dogs, but we needed to get the fuck out of there). Eventually she acquiesced and I waited while she packed her bags. I told her to speak minimally with them, because if they realized we were not coming back they might not let us leave.

    We walked down both completely packed and I explained that the European woman was coming with me to help translate with the vet from English to Spanish, because like most awesome Europeans she is at least trilingual. I also explained that we were bringing all our stuff in case the jungle people stole it while we were gone. I walked back up to the maloka with both my bags and grabbed the knife and put it in my handbag in case something happened on the boat. A woman staying with shamans at Santa Rosa de Dinamarca took a boat with a shaman and a shaman’s son headed for Pucallpa. She never arrived and her body was never found. I’ll link to the story below.

    Then we left. I brought Blanca and Loca with us. Rambo was healthy. It was more believable if I left Rambo there. We got into town and I relunctantly gave Leo 40 usd. I was just happy to be away from them and the center. We then found a new guest house. Then we went and took the dogs to the vet. They got medicine for parasites, vitamins, Loca got a shot of antibiotics. The vet didn’t seem immediately alarmed by Loca’s inability to use her legs correctly or her vomiting. So that gave me some more relief that it wasn’t rabies.

    The guest house we stayed at the owner told us that their brother is a travel agent and operated boat tours near Santa Rosa de Dinamarca and that during one trip another boat approached and robbed the tourists and gang raped a woman. That now they bring uniformed police officers with them to that area.

    I didn’t sleep the next night either because I was watching after Loca and Blanca and my door was broken and wouldn’t remain shut. The wind kept blowing it open. If Loca was becoming rabid I would need to keep her in the room with me, because I was recently vaccinated and I needed to protect Blanca from Loca in that scenario. I was also listening for anything strange if the people from the center found us somehow. The European woman did an ayahuasca ceremony with the guest house host. I waited through the night. And again the following night. Last night and today I was able to sleep.

    I met Clever and Leo at a public supermarket the next day with the dogs without the European woman in case something happened. I explained everything to them and said they needed to make peace with the neighbors or find them and thanked Clever for protecting us with his rifle. I told them to please be safe.

    It sounds like they are still in Pucallpa and haven’t returned to the center.

    Don’t go to random centers where the cost is too good to be true. Read reviews. Be safe. I’ve seen people shot right next to me, I’ve had guns pulled on me multiple times, I’ve been jumped, but that was easily one of the scariest days of my life.

    Here are the good things:
    -Beautiful facilities
    -Beautiful environment
    -Kind staff
    -Brave staff (Clever who went out alone and shot at the person)
    -Excellent food
    -The guys returned a little half of the money the European woman paid. I haven’t received money yet, but I left my details with the parents who are still in Europe.

    Here are the things that need to change at Santuaria de la Dieta Shipibo before I recommend anyone go there.
    -They need to find a resolution with their neighbors (if it was just neighbors and not cannibal/organ traffickers. Organ trafficking operating from the jungle sounds like a logistical nightmare concerning keeping the organs cold)
    -Honest upfront communication about which shamans will be at the center and when.
    -Bigger adult guard dogs (preferably black color to scare the fuck out of trespassers) like rottweilers or german sheapards. Not Jack Russell Terriers.
    -A guard posted near each one of those tuk-tuk access roads with whistles or walkie talkies to communicate with the other guards.
    -Never leave a guest alone on the property
    -Have guests’ tambos sandwiched between staff tambos when there are few guests.

    Video about the missing woman from another center at Santa Rosa de Dinamarca. Clotilde from France. Eventually a woman said Clotilde was on a boat with her that capsized, but how hard do you think it is to bribe someone for a convenient story that also protects the tourism industry?

  • Attilio
    February 3, 2015 at 12:00 am

    I’ve just come back home today from a month retreat in Peru and 2 weeks at Santuario.

    The place is POWERFUL, I could feel the good energies around ! I went there because I was surrounded by quite some bad energies which were affecting my health at multiple levels and creatings various blocages.

    The 1st meeting with el Maestro Enrrique was great ! He took the time to listen to me and was concerned by the reason why I had come to him. He assured me that he would help me. And guess what ? He did !

    After just the 1st ceremony I could feel things were changing, and after the 2nd one I had no more blocages anymore and all the bad energies had gone ! WOW ! Such a powerful shaman ! And he and his familly are so caring and loving people ! They make you feel like at home.

    This place is magic and so beautiful !

    Maestro Enrrique is so kind and here to help and offer you insights !

    He did in 2 ceremonies what 6 shamans – in my first 2 weeks in another retreat – had been unable to do : get me rid of my bad energies and blocks !

    No hesitation : if you need some healing, you have to go there ! Maestro Enrrique will help you, that’s for sure !

    The escort man Elias has been very helpful and kind as well to get me there and back in town.

    Everything was exactly what I needed to be healed and back on track !

    Thank you El Santuario !

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